00:04 nightquest: I'm just curious about how low-level GPU/graphics "stuff" works, so I stick around. I don't remember when we had such "1st tier" support for open-source GPU drivers on Linux, which is very exciting stuff for me /as a user/ (for someone who remembers fglrx days, yikes!)
00:26 DavidHeidelberg[m]: nightquest: btw. nice article, thanks for the link
00:32 nightquest: np yw
00:33 lvrp16: anybody play with tinydrm? getting "Error: Failed to set crtc: -22" with glmark2 drm on debian 12 but the crtc is there https://paste.debian.net/1290055/
00:40 DemiMarie: nightquest: It is indeed a nice article, thanks!
03:28 sassefa: Hi everyone. Still learning DRM. Is there a way for me to test my compositor without killing me DE (it prevents atomic commits b/c its not DRM master)?
03:32 DemiMarie: For testing it is best to support running nested under another compositor.
13:36 VRAIN: Hello! I'm the latest idiot here. For the past few weeks on Xubuntu 22.04, opening most applications (VLC, Gnome Fonts, Steam, etc) has caused me these errors: libGL error: did not find extension DRI_Mesa version 1
13:36 VRAIN: libGL error: failed to load driver: i965
13:36 VRAIN: libEGL fatal: did not find extension DRI_Mesa version 1. I upgraded my Ubuntu to 23.04 in hopes of fixing this, but it didn't work. I've considered downgrading https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa but that looks like a path to dependency Hell. What else can I try?
13:36 VRAIN: I'm on and off today, so I'll not be spamming the channel much.
16:28 marioso: it's fun, all the human shit in the world gets filtered out, some birth minix leftover calls me weirdo, and so are criminals who are banned from every bar cause of scaring customers away from places, and robbing and extorting their money...it's such a gang or ways they earn money, play big businessmen and big intrigues then start to immerse into businesses , claiming rapes and racism and calling owners weirdos, you are such
16:28 marioso: scum in the world.
16:28 marioso: of course the military goes against such people
23:38 An0num0us: gfxstrand: I've been browsing compiler/glsl/glsl_to_nir.cpp and on line 166 I've seen a peculiar condition `!param->type->is_vector() || !param->type->is_scalar()`. Is it supposed to be like that? Shouldn't it be `!glsl_type_is_vector_or_scalar(param->type)`?