00:28 bl4ckb0ne: gz!
00:29 bl4ckb0ne: now i can take my 970 out of the gpu box and send patch
06:36 Lynne: zmike: any plans of implementing vaapi on top of vulkan video for zink?
06:38 Lynne: MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE also affects libva, which I think prevents using firefox under zink, as without a no-op stub driver, firefox just flat out refuses to open
07:45 hakzsam: gfxstrand: congrats!
08:02 DavidHeidelberg[m]: zmike: I see flakes on a618+zink: dEQP-GLES3.functional.fbo.blit.conversion.rgba8_to_rgb5_a1 + dEQP-GLES3.functional.fbo.color.tex2d.rgb565 I looked into daily reports and it seems that *_to_rgb5 flakes and fails (probably where it shouldn't I guess) pretty often, is it somehow useful for you?
11:29 zmike: DavidHeidelberg[m]: hm I'm not seeing those show up in the flakes channel 🤔
11:44 DavidHeidelberg[m]: zmike: that doesn't sound right :( https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/9465#note_2029457
12:01 zmike: yea but if I don't see it there I can't tell when it started to try and see if it's new or what
12:45 DavidHeidelberg[m]: zmike: if you grep `to_rgb5` in older daily reports issues, you see occasional occurence
12:47 zmike: oh ok I see that one
12:47 zmike: there's other to_rgb5 entries in the flakes so adding more is probably fine
12:47 zmike: I don't see any instances at all of the other one you metnioned though
15:51 doras: robert.mader: I found that this commit of yours causes a strange regression for me in a crocus/nouveau dual-GPU setup: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/4380766
15:54 doras: robert.mader: I found that this commit of yours causes a strange regression for me in a crocus/nouveau dual-GPU setup: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/4380766
15:58 doras: I'm uncertain if this is a Mesa issue or a Chromium issue, but it seems that I'm losing hardware acceleration with this commit applied. Specifically, I'm getting the following errors only with the commit applied: https://gitlab.gnome.org/-/snippets/5983/raw/main/chromium-gbm-regression.txt
16:13 doras: Some Chromium-based apps simply refuse to load after spewing these errors (Element, for example).