00:33 bwidawsk: I notice (unless I missed it) Weston doesn't attempt to find an optimal crtc based on the supported formats/modifiers of the planes connected to the CRTC.... wlroots seems to do this in my testing, though I also don't see where it attempts to pick an optimal crtc.
00:33 bwidawsk: 1. Did I get that right?
00:33 bwidawsk: 2. Is there any nice way to do such a thing without platform specific code for every different type of hardware
08:00 emersion: bwidawsk: what do you mean exactly?
08:00 emersion: not sure i'm following
09:11 MrCooper: daniels lina: I'm afraid it's not that simple, see https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/-/issues/1380
22:28 Lynne: crashes hard enough for even reisub to somewhat safely reboot
22:29 Lynne: since 6.4 the dc driver went from bad to hardly usable