09:28 debianusr81: Well, I'm sad to say that while the junk in dmesg went away, is still does the sluggish "selection rectangle on Plasma desktop" thing as well as the seeming "halts" every few moments (not reliably).
09:29 debianusr81: So I guess it must be damaged hardware after all.
10:46 Ristovski: debianusr81: I would still recommend testing with a live USB of some distro tbh, just in case
10:48 debianusr81: Ristovski: What do you mean? Test what exactly?
10:49 debianusr81: (Also, disturbingly, not a single prebuilt workstation for sale with an AMD graphics card. Only Intel and NVIDIA...)
10:49 debianusr81: (In the rather major online store from which I can buy.)
10:52 Ristovski: Oh disregard, I had missed the fact about PCI errors
10:57 Ristovski: Though interesting that disabling ASPM fixed the dmesg errors
11:05 debianusr81: Ristovski: Well, "made them no longer display in dmesg" at least. Not sure about actually being fixed.
13:34 debianusr81: But since those errors are no longer shown, maybe that means that it isn't about the PCI Express slot/motherboard after all?
14:22 Ristovski: debianusr81: Could you upload your dmesg output again? The previous link has expired
20:11 debianusr81: Ristovski: Well, it no longer shows those messages, so I can't get to them, but I can see them in the IRC log and it was: "device [1002:1478] error status/mask=00000080/00002000 ... [ 7] BadDLLP ... pcieport 0000:00:01.0: AER: Multiple Corrected error received: 0000:01:00.0 ... pcieport 0000:01:00.0: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Data Link Layer, (Receiver ID)"
20:11 debianusr81: (Over and over, all the time.)
20:11 debianusr81: The current dmesg doesn't seem to show any errors or warning.
20:11 debianusr81: *warnings
22:13 kode54: dang, they left
22:13 kode54: I would have told them to check their historical boots in the journal