05:39 JohnDoe_71Rus: hi
10:03 kode54: 6.7 kernel has important amdgpu fixes
10:03 kode54: and I can't revert kernels anyway, as I'm using bcachefs
11:21 Caterpillar: kode54: probably you mean 6.8 since even releases are stable and even are development
11:22 Caterpillar: what kind of fixes?
14:31 _ds_: Caterpillar, you appear to be thinking of Linux 2.x.
21:15 mareko: any more comments on https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/26917 ?
22:09 kode54: I am running 6.7, and darktable does not crash my desktop
22:09 kode54: I already reported in that issue
22:10 kode54: and I won't be downgrading to 6.6 to test, since I don't feel like trying to patch bcachefs into it