16:49orbea: what is the minimal kernel version to get HDR working in steam?
16:49orbea: or are the patches out of tree still?
16:59mupuf: orbea: isn't HDR only supported on the deck right now?
17:08zamundaaa[m]: orbea: if you want it to work properly on AMD with DisplayPort, 6.8
17:08zamundaaa[m]: Most of the required bits are not in the kernel though
17:50orbea: mupuf: this on desktop linux, there are guides on the arch wiki at least, but its not clear on some details
17:51orbea: zamundaaa[m]: do you know what bits are missing and where I can get patches?
17:51orbea: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/HDR_monitor_support
17:53orbea: i guess 6.10.7 is supported according to that, looking at the arch linux package, but i wonder when this stuff was added?
17:56mupuf: orbea: oh, right, everything is done in.a shader rather than using the hardware for that
17:57mupuf: Only the deck has the hardware support
17:57orbea: ah, i see
17:57orbea: do you know if that stuff will eventually make it to mainline linux?
18:05zamundaaa[m]: orbea: not everything is done in a shader, no
18:06zamundaaa[m]: There's some tone and gamut mapping things that can be offloaded to KMS in the future, but that's not really necessary for HDR games
18:07zamundaaa[m]: the API for that offloading is being worked on for mainline
18:07orbea: ah, so 6.10 should be new enough for steam games? how about 6.6?
23:07karolherbst: jenatali: looks like llvm-20 is fixing GetResourcesPath 🎉 924a7d83b4287b3b85dd1ca29d2d3e1f0a10ea68
23:07jenatali: Congrats
23:07karolherbst: I'm sure it's broken somehow, but I'll prolly have to confirm this :D
23:09karolherbst: though mhh...
23:09karolherbst: the problem was also more the first argument I think.. uhh
23:14karolherbst: I wonder if we even have to set `ResourceDir`, because I'd rather we wouldn't have to
23:16karolherbst: huh...
23:16karolherbst: I've removed the `c->getHeaderSearchOpts().ResourceDir = clang_res_path.string();` and it' still compiles fine...
23:16karolherbst:scratches head
23:17karolherbst: ohh wait..
23:18karolherbst: yeah... the "getHeaderSearchOpts().AddPath" part is required