12:37 emanuele: hello everyone, i was wondering if this is the right channel to ask help about mesa 3d compilation from source because i couldn't understand how to compile the 32 bit version
12:48 emanuele: hello krei, im sorry for bothering you but i've seen you enter the channel and i was wondering if i was using this chat correctly
12:59 psykose: you are
13:14 FLHerne: emanuele: Are you building mesa on the same 32-bit system as you intend to run it on?
13:14 FLHerne: if so the instructions here should work fine; is there any specific issue you're having? https://docs.mesa3d.org/install.html
13:16 emanuele: hello, thanks for the support, to give some context i've already followed the instruction in the documentation and i've succesfully builded mesa on a 64 bit system
13:16 emanuele: now i want to build on the same system the 32 bit version
13:17 emanuele: because an application that i use search for 32 bit graphic libraries
13:17 emanuele: unfortunatly i haven't understand how to properly do it from the documentation
13:36 FLHerne: I think you need: meson setup builddir/ --cross-file lib32
13:36 FLHerne: and then carry on roughly as normal
13:36 FLHerne: not something I've tried though, someone else here might know what they're doing :p
13:37 emanuele: ok thank you, give me 1 minute and i will tell you how it went
13:39 emanuele: so, meson says "Could not find any valid candidate for cross files: lib32"
13:39 emanuele: do i have to write one cross file myself?
13:44 FLHerne: #]*
13:45 FLHerne: hm, usually your distro's meson package would provide one
13:45 FLHerne: on my Arch system it's /usr/share/meson/cross/lib32
13:46 emanuele: ok give me a minute
13:47 FLHerne: fwiw, mine looks like https://dpaste.com/CJPTQNV5Z.txt
13:48 emanuele: i can't find one in my linux mint 22 installation, do you think is safe to copy your configuration?
13:48 emanuele: or i could go into some mismatches?
13:52 FLHerne: libdir is the only thing that might differ aiui
13:57 Lynne: something within the last 200 commits is causing GPU crashes with zink
13:57 emanuele: i, with mesa 24.1.4, i'm not having problem with zink
13:57 FLHerne: I think this is how you're expected to get a suitable cross file on Debian-like distros https://mesonbuild.com/Commands.html#env2mfile
13:58 emanuele: thank you FLHerne
13:58 Lynne: bisecting now, place your bets who broke it
14:00 psykose: $10 on zink author
14:09 Lynne: you win nothing
14:09 Lynne: d21aa86b5471
14:10 Lynne: I don't know how its able to, seems to only touch llvmpipe
14:11 Lynne: zmike: maybe you'd have an idea?
14:31 psykose: guess i owe you some beverages
14:43 emanuele: FLHerne, i still haven't managed to generate a cross compilation file but thank for the support anyway, now i have to disconnect but i will keep the you updated
14:46 zmike: Lynne: nope, no idea
21:26 valentine: Very important question: how would you feel about changing the color of the turnip/freedreno labels on the Mesa Gitlab?
21:27 valentine: I feel like blue's getting a bit overcrowded: not only is it found on all the Intel labels, but dri-interface, gbm VA-API, etnaviv and lima are all similar shades of blue
21:27 valentine: I would like to suggest gold, like in the Snapdragon 8 or Snapdragon X logos