00:28airlied: zzoon[m]: reviewed looks good
00:28zzoon: got it
06:24airlied: interesting read https://chipsandcheese.com/2024/04/15/raytracing-on-meteor-lakes-igpu/
11:39pq: Is the rounding up correct for sub-sampled planes in https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2024-April/450415.html ?
12:10pjakobsson: sima, I'm no longer able to push to drm-misc-fixes. Did I get dropped as committer or did something else change?
12:15sima: pjakobsson, do you have latest dim and did that update the remotes to point at gitlab?
12:16pjakobsson: ah yes you're right, it did
12:20pjakobsson: Am I supposed to add my freedesktop key to my gitlab account?
13:30mattst88: anyone else receive mail from samuel.palfery@evolvedynamics.com asking for help with libdrm and libcamera?
13:37daniels: pjakobsson: yep
13:54pjakobsson: daniels, doesn't seem to work
13:57pjakobsson: I have to leave, will look at this again tomorrow
22:22Lucretia: is it still possible to build mesa for single threaded? AmigaOS is multitasking but has no full pthread lib, not sure if it's possible.
22:51karolherbst: are the a618/a630/... runners down?
22:51karolherbst: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/jobs/57741975