04:44 bbhtt: Since https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/commit/6474f8c2ce107c566090bdacea1eb74f58b088d6, trying to compile main fails with `<built-in>:1:10: fatal error: 'opencl-c-base.h' file not found`
04:44 bbhtt: any idea?
04:45 bbhtt: at this commit, it works fine https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/commit/445aacb4217cbf5fb7be604c5484eb84c3c06497
04:46 bbhtt: configure: https://dpaste.com/GHX9PWB2V
06:48 bbhtt: Something is going with the header path it is searching for
06:48 bbhtt: Worked around by ` cp '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu'/clang/17/include/{opencl-c.h,opencl-c-base.h} src/intel`
06:51 airlied: dwfreed: i think he got through again earlker
11:47 karolherbst: bbhtt: is intel_clc compiled with -fPIC?
11:49 karolherbst: bbhtt: 8efd11fce99710757b14cb575f33778f730ec904 needs to be in the tree, but I guess it is...
11:49 karolherbst: bbhtt: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/blob/main/src/compiler/clc/clc_helpers.cpp?ref_type=heads#L873
11:49 karolherbst: "clang_path" needs to point to the clang so file
12:22 dwfreed: airlied: yeah, saw after he stopped
13:19 bbhtt: karolherbst: Yea that commit is included, I don't see the couldn't find libclang path line, so I guess it's fine
13:20 bbhtt: I opened an issue with some more details https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/10884
13:36 karolherbst: bbhtt: all I can say is, that `clang_path` in that needs to point to the correct so file and you might need to dump the value at runtime
13:45 bbhtt: karolherbst: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libclang-cpp.so.17"
13:45 karolherbst: does that path exist?
13:46 karolherbst: and what's the value of `clang_res_path`? And does that path exist as well?
13:46 bbhtt: Let me add the second one too
13:50 bbhtt: `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libclang-cpp.so.17` exists, checking the second one
13:53 bbhtt: karolherbst: "/usr/lib/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/clang/17/include"
13:54 bbhtt: Seems like an extra lib there
13:54 karolherbst: bbhtt: mind dumping the value of CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR?
14:00 bbhtt: karolherbst: Seems empty, I don't think I compiled llvm with that set, is that the issue?
14:00 karolherbst: nah, that's part of clangs header
14:01 karolherbst: so mhhh...
14:01 karolherbst: I think something is broken with the clang packaging then
14:06 karolherbst: bbhtt: what distribution is that on btw?
14:07 bbhtt: karolherbst: It's freedesktop-sdk, the base runtime, and sdk for flatpaks etc.
14:07 karolherbst: guess the base runtime is buggy then :')
14:07 bbhtt: Can't figure out what it is, seems normal to me https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/freedesktop-sdk/-/blob/master/elements/components/llvm.bst
14:07 bbhtt: Anyway thanks I'll askinin some llvm channel
14:08 karolherbst: yeah...
14:08 karolherbst: probably for the best
14:09 karolherbst: that one `lib/` really looks odd. Could be something with prefix/installing messing things up or something.. dunno
14:09 karolherbst: could be a llvm bug as well