00:28 Armote[m]: do current main mesa releases such as 23.1 have Venus? Some of the pages on Venus seem to imply you should be building git master mesa but they are quite old.
00:33 kisak: is that vulkan-drivers=virtio-experimental? https://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/tree/meson_options.txt?h=23.1#n207
01:05 Armote[m]: i'm not sure, i know that its a Vulkan counterpart to OpenGL in virglrenderer. if its marked as experimental that would mean its not inluded in mainline?
01:08 HdkR: The experimental "tag" will be removed in 23.2 once that releases
04:10 soreau: I cobbled together a simple gbm/drm/kms vsync demo that calls glClear() every other frame with a different color but it tears at the top: http://ix.io/4HgX
04:11 soreau: on radeonsi RX580. It uses two different methods, waiting on pageflips and drmWaitVBlank() but both have the same result
04:12 soreau: any idea why it tears?
04:14 soreau: I also tried locking gbm buffers with gbm_surface_lock_front_buffer()/gbm_surface_release_buffer() but that just produced a single color always
06:08 Nyaa: what was the last version of mesa that had the savage s3 driver?
06:11 Nyaa: ah, managed to dig through changelog, looks like they were removed in 8.0
06:15 Nyaa: would anything prevent mesa 7.11.2 from working with kernel 6.1?
07:54 kode54: apparently I managed to find a PRIME scenario that isn't widely tested
07:54 kode54: two dGPUs, PRIME rendering from one to the other
07:54 kode54: XWayland aborted when I attempted to change the video mode in a game
07:55 kode54: apparently someone didn't tell someone else that the buffer format/size was changing, so AMDGPU rejected it
08:58 veryclosed: Overall that literal returned is clause partitioned to 4 tiers. And that algorithm i also do not read very well, but can be concluded on comments. Each tier appears to be u8 though.
09:07 veryclosed: So the compression cause they make two rounds is slightly above elias fano hence too, from 64bit var, they get 32, and chunk it to 4tiers of u8, anyways it seems interesting and something that could potentially perform too.
09:37 veryclosed: but what i learned was that all you gotta do is buy some cheap solver with your own license or find unlicensed commons one, compile the best solver out there with some random one, you can commercialize the best solver out there.
09:42 veryclosed: https://github.com/cbouilla/libfes-lite/tree/10years there is one unlicensed.
10:04 veryclosed: enter the file festlite.c you see, it maps solver outputs back to inputs , and has an in-place unrolled fast lane if batch sizes match, has a generic method and arm and x86 asm optimized ones and such things you know.
13:36 veryclosed: it's very weird and messy in legit terms, there is so easy escape , cause technically concolic/concrete context or AST of triton is neither a source code or binary code or copy of any as a whole. So you want to be a dickhead they give you opportunity of being one, compile gini to machine code, mit says nothing about reverse engineering, transform that to triton ast, which just is neither binary nor source, let it consume through the backend of
13:36 veryclosed: gini, so the ast is not solved by triton either, and likely both licenses will be gotten around of.
13:38 veryclosed: I mean even licenses are not prepared for modern computing yet.
13:51 veryclosed: triton ast thing is that it does not compile at all , it can be consumed by the solver that makes no copy at all, it itself generates absolutely again nothing close to source code, and nothing close to original
13:57 veryclosed: it's a weird thing cause eventually gini solves itself that way, but the thing it solved was AST of triton , which can not be not bypassing the license, cause there is no such clause to disallow that.
13:58 veryclosed: otherwise i would work with those authors, it's possible to get permission with fixed fee, but they halted that business too i believe, cause there is not much point.
14:06 veryclosed: so what comes out of this, is linux monopoly that might be dangerous to me, i do not want to fight those world rulers, but they themselves licensed their binaries to cause it.
14:06 veryclosed: and to reverse engineer the machine code is not allowed , so people generate performing linux instead.
14:13 veryclosed: what i still think always and how i think about it, is microsoft windows has done sane licensing shift to come along, all they have to do is sell their core libraries so that anything would be allowed after license is purchased per person or business, cause then people would work for them.
14:20 veryclosed: anyway it's time to quit dealing with such issues i believe, do something more useful instead , cause the needed code is there anyway. So i graduate and retire from this research and IRC.
14:26 veryclosed: I think i have time, i am not world saviour , those things should be coordinated through distro like red hat , debian package managers, i really said that i would act as coordinator for half of years, but i found easier sources, and i am already done with my part.
14:35 veryclosed: Overseas i just did not have momentum i got attacked so bad at my organs, there misconception from their behalf, i tone that what some freak name Charl who is stupid and young does with other scammers is none of my business, when they come anywhere close to near me, those ghosts get treated , at that time i had not time to tell it , and they will learn it the hard way, such blokes are not welcome anywhere near me.
14:36 veryclosed: they talked as to how such schizophrenic should be handled, like what?
14:37 veryclosed: I personally cracked my bone at the stronger main right hand, and i haven't been involved in fighting at all
14:37 veryclosed: before , yes i defended myself often.
14:39 veryclosed: But better this way, some died too, due to over too much using force against though bullies and attackers, i already got to that group, and better off not being there for too long.
14:47 veryclosed: it's risky with some people to engage into even self-defence methods with physical force, they are narcissists , technical performance for an athlete was very easy, little bit wrist, and triceps to coordinate a fast punch and that was it, nothing they no longer understood what planet they were on, and who they bullied with.
14:54 veryclosed: Anyway cheers for now, it appears most things should be alright as for now in computing. I go offline .