00:29 kurufu: https://registry.khronos.org/vulkan/specs/1.3-extensions/man/html/VkVideoDecodeH264SessionParametersCreateInfoKHR.html#_members for max values here, is can supposed to represent impl can do anything less than that too? Mesa appears to only allow adding up to max-1 (so max=1 is kind of useless).
15:26 fltrz: I'm looking into eDP ASSR or ASR scrambling on intel bay trail (Celeron N2805), but no mention of it in the linux kernel and only very terse on page 128 of intel-os-gfx-prm-vol10-display.pdf
15:26 fltrz: Its a 2013-ish netbook that seems to use eDP from the perspective of linux, but the integrated flat panel is definitely FDPLink (aka FlatLink aka "LVDS")
15:27 fltrz: it semms theres only 1 bit of scrambler secret: unknown default reset value or otherwise the alternate value of FFFEh
15:29 fltrz: I am trying to implement the proposed solutions as in https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/pet2004-fpd.pdf
15:30 fltrz: I don't want to build a faraday cage... again