08:23 mkazantsev: Hello! Is there any support for panels with MIPI DBI Type B (parallel) interfaces?
08:25 mkazantsev: I can't figure out how to connect ili9488 over this interface to a SOC with DBI Type B LCD driver
09:51 javierm: mkazantsev: my understanding is that the existing MIPI DBI implementation only supports 8-bit and 9-bit SPI
09:52 javierm: mkazantsev: you will need to add parallel type support
10:34 MrCooper: karolherbst: trying to bump the CI fedora-release job to F38 is hitting new warnings in nouveau: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/daenzer/mesa/-/jobs/40427054
11:16 karolherbst: MrCooper: compiler bug
11:17 karolherbst: it complains that it overloads a private method in a base class, but it also overwrites the same public method in the base class, which is totally legit to do
11:19 karolherbst: that warning tends to be very trigger happy
14:11 MrCooper: karolherbst: I see, thanks