06:26 q4a: adavy David Heidelberg I added your ack to D3D9 header changes. I need full review or it's ready to merge and someone can assign it to Marge?
06:26 q4a: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/22159
06:37 q4a: Also I'm just start to read about WARP and as I can see - it's used in >=DX11 ? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3darticles/directx-warp
06:38 q4a: Or they run D3D9 tests with D3D9On12 ?
09:06 q4a: I tested clean mesa 7783b7f6977a3a986a71f838a7f17a81d34dba56 vs https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/axeldavy/mesa/-/commits/fixes_for_merge
09:07 q4a: there is only 12 failed cases: 20-22, 44-46, 56-58, 68-70.
09:07 q4a: but it has 4 regression cases (was succ, but now fail): 21, 45, 57, 69
09:26 q4a: programmable ps (pshader = 1 or 2), identity matrix (matrix_id = 2) and rect is still visible (in cases 23, 47, 59 and 71 we got 0x000000ff - which is background color)
09:26 q4a: - fail conditions
16:32 adavy: I don't think I updated this branch with the corrected patch
16:33 adavy: I don't know how to test WARP. I assumed you needed to request REF instead of HAL at d3d9 init
16:53 q4a: Update this (or any other) branch with the corrected patch, please. I would like to run my test on it)
17:57 adavy: done
18:11 q4a: adavy: Thanks. I'll test it today (a bit later). What's next? I'll try to merge test to wine, but then I'm really interested with https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/8315
18:24 adavy: q4a: well this one is already done I think
18:25 q4a: Then meeeerge it))
18:27 adavy: I've updated the branch
18:27 q4a: thanks!
18:27 adavy: I need to improve the commit messages, and do tests to check everything is still ok
18:28 adavy: then I'll need to rebase on top of the fixes_to_merge branch (this involves using different parts of the shader key)
18:28 q4a: I'm ready to help, if you need it
18:30 adavy: well basically I need to test all features have not regressed with the different rebasing I did
18:30 adavy: you can help there
18:31 adavy: check that the wine tests pass as well when you force the feature emulation than without
18:32 q4a: how to force the feature emulation?
18:33 adavy: in device9.c when the support is tested, force the result
20:48 q4a: I tested current version of fixes_for_merge and it works) all 72 cases showed succ!