19:05 adavy: q4a: why is it strange ?
19:07 adavy: notice that rhw = 1/w
19:07 adavy: this is why you get different result
19:08 adavy: what is displayed makes sense according to what you have given
19:08 q4a: I always think that IDirect3DDevice9_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP can be replaced with IDirect3DDevice9_DrawPrimitiveUP if pairs of triangles have a common side
19:09 adavy: both are equivalent
19:09 adavy: in the former you use an index
19:09 adavy: in the other you might need to duplicate info
19:10 adavy: I think D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP assumed common side and reuses it