07:50 Lucretia: mareko: nope
09:50 mareko: Lucretia: it's spelled GET_DISPATCH
09:50 Lucretia: ah, typo, ta
12:39 Lucretia: that typo is in the mesa docs because I copied it from there!
12:39 Lucretia: didn't notice the missing t.
13:14 zmike: DavidHeidelberg: what's going on with 9989 anyway? you were pushing it a month or two back
14:33 yearsofexp: I overall get nearly 10 cites or referring quotes in a day, and those people are entirely civil, so sure I am correct, but I also have 32 years of experience with computer works and research, my brain is not rotten and I do not like aggression or blind disrespect, I respect others too, but issues are very simple to fix.
14:35 yearsofexp: Just enjoy life, we climbed over the issues long since.
16:50 DavidHeidelberg: zmike: we found these few tests failing (not in the MesaCI)
17:39 derr: hello, im having trouble with my counter strike, i think its the mesa library, can someone help me downgrade ? .. or help me fix it ?
18:14 derr: Is this the channel for mesa developers ? can anyone help me downgrade libglx-mesa0 (23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1) to libglx-mesa0 (22.0.1-1ubuntu2) ? a steam update broke my fps in counter strike 1.6 ..
18:14 derr: or so i think
18:22 iive: derr, have you tried asking in an unbuntu channel. What you ask seems more related to ubuntu packages, than mesa development.
18:22 iive: btw, mesa is currently at 24.x.x versions, so these are really really old builds.
18:23 derr: that dont sound too unreasonable
18:23 derr: tried putting the blame on steam but they would not hear of it
18:23 derr: u say ubuntu huh
18:23 derr: thanks for suggestion at least
18:23 iive: you could always build recent mesa to give it a try.
18:25 iive: btw, your complaint is that cs1.6 got slower.
18:25 derr: cs is the only game i use that uses mesa librarys ,, i think,, opengl stuff
18:25 derr: fps dropped from 99 to 10 after mesa library updates ,,
18:25 derr: well not just mesa
18:26 derr: libc6:amd64 libc6:i386 libegl1:amd64 libegl1:i386 libgbm1:amd64 libgbm1:i386 libgl1-mesa-d
18:26 iive: that's... a lot. are you sure it didn't go to software rendering?
18:26 iive: what's your video card?
18:26 iive: amd, nvidia, intel?
18:27 derr: ,, QUITE sure i tried switching between software and,, opengl
18:27 derr: nvidia
18:27 iive: mesa has it's own software opengl rendering
18:27 derr: tried second non steam , wine versino cs even , same
18:27 derr: yea,,
18:28 derr: cs use mesa's opengl ,,, software ?
18:28 iive: glxinfo -B
18:28 derr: im not sure,, just,, almost sure,, the upgrade broke my fps
18:28 iive: that should tell you what driver it is.
18:28 derr: i can type that in terminal ? *try*
18:29 derr: no but,, can install something to make it happen,, it seems,, second
18:29 derr: heh hah hoh,, eh
18:29 derr: i broken it...
18:29 derr: needed to install mesa-utils
18:29 derr: but
18:29 derr: Breaks: libglx-mesa0:i386 (!= 22.0.1-1ubuntu2) but 23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1 is to be installed
18:30 iive: there are separate irc channels for the videocards.
18:30 derr: i actually have 23 installed and running,, but,, tried to install 22.x.x with some download manually and ,, eh
18:30 derr: yea ? here on this server ?
18:30 derr: anyway,,, its a mesa,,,, issue right ?
18:31 iive: well, mesa doesn't support 3d on most recent nvidia cards. NVidia provides binary driver for them, that replaces mesa.
18:32 iive: so the mesa upgrade might have overwritten the nvidia binary driver.
18:32 derr: not a recent nvidia,, from stone age
18:32 derr: G84GL [Quadro FX 370] (rev a1
18:33 derr: i IMAGINE if i reinstalled ubuntu 22.04 (from 2022)
18:33 derr: and not use steam version,, only wine glclient or such
18:34 derr: then i would be back to old mesa library ,, but,, not have steam
18:34 soreau: it sounds like you have broken system packages, and fixing them might fix your drivers
18:34 iive: strange, I can't find #nvidia channel on this irc network. only one in libera.chat
18:34 soreau: what does `glxinfo | grep renderer` say?
18:34 soreau: iive: #nouveau?
18:34 derr: im gonna keep hanging here annoy u people,, in a friendly manner,, until wednsday,, then i buy a new nvidia card like steam support say :)
18:35 derr: i was on #noveeau channel,, just didnt understand what it was
18:35 derr: and yea
18:35 derr: i would love to fix the dependency thing, i tryed with apt -fix thing like recommended by apt but, didnt work
18:36 derr: glxinfo cant be used due to mesa-utils not can be installed due to ,, dependenciy errors ,, due to my attempt to manually install mesa 22.1 over 23.x
18:36 derr: to make it simple ...
18:36 soreau: typically you have to rip out whatever it's complaining about and reinstall whatever it removes when you did that
18:36 soreau: but that's beyond the scope of this channel
18:38 derr: sounds fair enough
18:39 iive: soreau, of course! thanks.
18:39 soreau: 👍
18:40 derr: yea, im not overjoyed but yea
18:40 derr: thanks
18:40 derr: =)
18:40 dviola: derr: consider AMD at least until NVK works well enough for your usecase
18:41 derr: nvk ? nvidia ?
18:41 derr: it WAS working
18:41 derr: i had pretty much constant 99 fps
18:56 iive: so, quadro fx 370 is G84 chip, same as geforce 8300, nouveau puts it in the nv50 family; should be fully supported by nouveau.
18:58 derr: i could bring question to nouveau channel when i fix the dependency thing ?
18:58 derr: i do use nouveau drivers,,, i think
20:59 yearsofexp: Yeah, well I do not know where this horror ends up with like is it at all possible to get the conflict on hold or to escalation, but sure I do have everything needed, on very correct track, I am afraid I also am fused into everlasting bigger conflicts like that of full blown war undergoing, appears pretty tragic and disappointing. My compute dreams and arsenal are at max, I can fill my wallet with my wisdom, but the global
20:59 yearsofexp: results I am not direct regulator in. It's completely chaotic already i.e entirely out of hands, UpTo this point I did not have concept of revenge in implemented form, and I still suggest separation or escalation in matters over my personal rich abuse case.
21:01 dwfreed: .