Results for spec@arb_uniform_buffer_object@getactiveuniformblockiv-uniform-block-data-size


Result: pass

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Detail Value
Returncode 0
Time 0:00:00.485902
type                  row_major  DATA_SIZE   expected
float                         n         16         16
float                         y         16         16
vec2                          n         16         16
vec2                          y         16         16
vec3                          n         32         32
vec3                          y         32         32
vec4                          n         32         32
vec4                          y         32         32
int                           n         16         16
int                           y         16         16
ivec2                         n         16         16
ivec2                         y         16         16
ivec3                         n         32         32
ivec3                         y         32         32
ivec4                         n         32         32
ivec4                         y         32         32
uint                          n         16         16
uint                          y         16         16
uvec2                         n         16         16
uvec2                         y         16         16
uvec3                         n         32         32
uvec3                         y         32         32
uvec4                         n         32         32
uvec4                         y         32         32
bool                          n         16         16
bool                          y         16         16
bvec2                         n         16         16
bvec2                         y         16         16
bvec3                         n         32         32
bvec3                         y         32         32
bvec4                         n         32         32
bvec4                         y         32         32
mat2                          n         48         48
mat2                          y         48         48
mat3                          n         64         64
mat3                          y         64         64
mat4                          n         80         80
mat4                          y         80         80
mat2x3                        n         48         48
mat2x3                        y         64         64
mat2x4                        n         48         48
mat2x4                        y         80         80
mat3x2                        n         64         64
mat3x2                        y         48         48
mat3x4                        n         64         64
mat3x4                        y         80         80
mat4x2                        n         80         80
mat4x2                        y         48         48
mat4x3                        n         80         80
mat4x3                        y         64         64
WARNING: NVK is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only.
PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/home/airlied/devel/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl"
/home/airlied/devel/piglit/bin/arb_uniform_buffer_object-getactiveuniformblockiv-uniform-block-data-size -auto -fbo


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