06:04 ishitatsuyuki: haasn: On AMD compute shaders always get more allocated memory throughput. So for anything but one-off small sized copies, it's better to use compute.
06:04 ishitatsuyuki: exception is, when you can afford it to be slow, in which case SDMA is used (e.g. kernel page updates in background)
09:08 olderfacebaby: They started mass production of curved graphene batteries too, software was not yet optimized for the earlier generation but they alreay have the modern long lasting ones. It seems highly interesting skeleton company is german estonian collaboration that produces them. These can be made of carbon and it's minerals that are abundant in semi-coke mountains that is a side product of burning coal.
09:09 olderfacebaby: In other words very many can be produced from estonian reserves.
09:32 olderfacebaby: I also looked at LVDS dp and such display controllers, there are retina display stm32 fw based controllers scan outs available, americans did displays better than others at apple, retina displays are very good, in theory when you have enough expert or representative from apple, you could understand how to simulate that display too, they have hw based ones, but those are indeed very good dispays that apple products have.
09:33 olderfacebaby: the needed anti alias code can be programmed in fact, but i do not know if any of the hw players ends up blaming us.
09:54 olderfacebaby: So what those people do, that some called my wife as, they get close to you, then they find out how much money you have , cause they do not have anything then they turn to a certain syndicate while appealing on a another rape case, then they start to rob you with betrayals or hint given to a syndicate member, and start to complain at the same time even though they are banned from every business doign that they want to frame their criminal activity
09:54 olderfacebaby: to another being, but i am computer technician and their plan did not succeed, howevver thousounds of dollars they managed to still steal from me and my friends. So all in all me as all my friends from australia who complained and every other tourist do not find any function to such gangster traitors, and they get banned out from cambodia as same as they were banned from finland and estonia with court order.
09:55 olderfacebaby: those sluts are not very intelligent , if i was to choose sure us people do result fixings too, but they are more intelligent technicians, as are aussies i communicated with, some are even very friendly in physical space shared.
10:01 olderfacebaby: you get very sick on your holidays if one of such gangster bitch is on your tail to abuse you all the time, so i no longer go to take holidays where they parasites do such things, even though i know how to put them to jail, its unneeded complexity that i do not want to be a part of, in estonia one man ended up stabing that bitch, and court did not accuse the man, cause this is terrorist that bitch in the gangsta so called eras.
10:13 olderfacebaby: head over those talks , sick of those gangster stories, those do not work in estonia anymore, police puts all syndicates behind bars here, lovely spam i got at holidays from a mindill old school gangster informer, her Kalev got a round of bullets and was slaughtered with machine gun firing, i am sick of those people.
10:26 olderfacebaby: I instead founded a small startup, where as i also register to side work today, and in the main company i release some products too, it's all registered and legal and taxes will be held from my doings.
10:28 olderfacebaby: I also i am invited to play regularly some sports that have no such dream results but it stabilizes my moods and mindset, cause i have to move also, and i get this dose from official competitions.
10:46 olderfacebaby: I have at all such hunch that in the middle of that syndicate crimes, there were also legal powers whose surveillance tech was trying to investigate those people already, they had some fun tools in fact, so i also shifted my research to security and cyber security when i saw this all