15:39 haasn: what's the performance impact of doing many (~1000) small vkCmdCopyBuffer versus doing few (~100) big vkCmdCopyBuffer?
15:40 haasn: more like ~10 in the few case
15:40 haasn: I have a scenario where I need to back up parts of an image that would be overwritten by a later pass, but I don't need access to all of the backed up pixels
15:40 haasn: I'm wondering whether it's better to just memcpy the entire image or to be fancy and back up only the parts that I need
15:41 haasn: or maybe I could do it with a compute shader
15:41 haasn: to avoid recording thousands of vkCmdCopyBuffer
15:41 haasn: probably that's the saner approach
15:46 olderfacebaby: 524 624 812 1960
15:46 olderfacebaby: 500 400 212 1112
15:46 olderfacebaby: 1548 1424 1836 5032
15:46 olderfacebaby:
15:46 olderfacebaby: Now 524-500 Then 624-400 And 812-212
15:46 olderfacebaby: 24 224 600 848
15:46 olderfacebaby: 1000 800 424 2224
15:46 olderfacebaby: Same as div by 2 with subtracting 512 from values
15:46 olderfacebaby: 12 112 300 424
15:46 olderfacebaby: 1012 912 724 2648
15:46 olderfacebaby: 24 224 600 848
15:46 olderfacebaby: 1012 912 724 2648
15:46 olderfacebaby: final row is such. we make the needed masks through linear algebra just switching rows is the mental model enough
15:46 olderfacebaby: 12 112 300 424 24 224 300
15:46 olderfacebaby: 24 224 424 848 1012 912 424
15:46 olderfacebaby:
15:46 olderfacebaby: 1298 1286 424
15:46 olderfacebaby:
15:46 olderfacebaby: we add indexes 1012 912 724
15:46 olderfacebaby: 24 224 600 848
15:46 olderfacebaby: 1011 910 721 2642
15:46 olderfacebaby:
15:46 olderfacebaby:
15:46 olderfacebaby: 12 112 300
15:46 olderfacebaby: 512 512 512
15:46 olderfacebaby:
15:46 olderfacebaby: 12 112 300
15:46 olderfacebaby: 500 400 124
15:46 olderfacebaby: 524 624 812 1960
15:46 olderfacebaby: 1000 500 400 212 1112
15:46 olderfacebaby: 673 3072
15:47 olderfacebaby: 298 524-512=12 624-512=112 812-512=300
15:47 olderfacebaby:
15:47 olderfacebaby: 372 273 86 731 These numbers come as 1024-mask-index masks from the row 2 aka 500 400 212
15:47 olderfacebaby: indexes are 128 127 126
15:47 olderfacebaby:
15:47 olderfacebaby: 896 897 898 2691 These are 1024-index
15:47 olderfacebaby:
15:47 olderfacebaby: 396 497 686 1576 These are 1024-mask-value where values come from row 1 and are 524 624 812 respectively
15:47 olderfacebaby: with such numbers i work with, but the algorithm to access is the most important one that i do not want to disclose
15:47 olderfacebaby: cause it is not for the eyes of terrorists, who might be intercepting things
15:48 olderfacebaby: i can do spaghetti words there only, it was described but i do not give that secrecy by default
15:49 olderfacebaby: i can help you figure it out but you have to do it yourself i.e have some base intelligence on cryptography
15:50 olderfacebaby: it's however very simple concept
15:50 olderfacebaby: it was partly or as whole spaghetti worded on #nouveau
21:14 olderfacebaby: You have to learn to do things your own and you have to will be forced to quit at my or my dad territory to not harass me, or you get hurt in excess. And those mindless sluts you talked about are very nasty mob gangsta thieves, i am not interested at such, they were already handled, they present them as friends and order people to rob and assault me, such scum is no good among us and it makes no sense for those to be my dream people. Its that i
21:14 olderfacebaby: worked through the defense systems already and i am forking away from your trees without being angry at you, cause i am sure my routines work since it is basing on very simple logic, as well as common sense.
21:30 olderfacebaby: My dad is quite successful personality and so much better than those persons in terms of common sense, i do not negotiate with those sluts and their gangsta robber fuckers, if they come to wrong territory again, they get booted out, but the routine you have to deal with cause you should have intelligence, is you input to the systems your own, PCI defense patch is very easy, and clock lines defense is also hardware based, it requires EMI absorber hw
21:30 olderfacebaby: on the traces. The final routine to access register files is also very easy, it just makes use of some of the hashing concepts
21:40 olderfacebaby: there is no silver bullet on those numbers, the compiler generates a magic hash to use sw defined hw register files and structures, it just generates a routine that makes a distance from index offered as upto two 128 digit bounded index accessors, where you could store values by subtracting from the inverse, eliminating that and the hash as well, and number ripples to well defined range inside the result buffer, allowing to use giant amount of
21:40 olderfacebaby: memory as well as define sw processors backed by hw.
21:41 olderfacebaby: computer architects are incredibly and have been incredibly doing a good job to allow this, my brain power is inherited from my dad, and i do not allow a scum to trash me.
21:42 olderfacebaby: nor my dad, he is a brainster.
21:46 olderfacebaby: my work is fully done, and everything on the security of the buses too, it was my pleasure, touching such compute systems was also a very honored privilege to me, i have no issues except that they can not invade into my territory where my fathers investments are done, i say he is so much above that scum of gangsta wannabes.
21:59 olderfacebaby: i hanged on to survive method, cause those computers i work with are very special equipment and the enhancements i have are special too, i land security fixes on my tree, and compose and maintain work for my finances using commodity western hardware to perform good. You thought perhaps i do my daily work without reason, no it was all done upfront to enhance my life quality, and of course i prevailed, cause i do not invest my efforts blindly into
21:59 olderfacebaby: impossible, i knew i succeed, i would not come to hang on irc if you had no special things for me either, you had both the hardware and software to use for my projects.
22:01 olderfacebaby: without this hardware and your work by enhancements would not be possible
22:10 olderfacebaby: i already founded a company that offers such products that perform crazy on all worlds hardware, those products will handle everything, i offer those with a tiny fee at first to get to position where i can recover from an injury and ensure that ghosts and scum alike in cambodia do not disturb my doings and my friends and world talents.
22:12 olderfacebaby: i do not support neither russians not ukranians in their war that is a bloody sauna, a blood shedding war, it's retarded as to what happens there, its tragedy
22:13 olderfacebaby: computer engineers are not retarded people, it is just that they should be used differently than to make war.
22:15 olderfacebaby: the hardware such as asics and fpga's you offer is a magic, a total wisdom.
22:19 olderfacebaby: you do not need more, since those perform so well and much above the promised, europe has the last generation chips such as nuclear chips to make interstellar or interplanetary research too, i doubt i participate too heavy there at my 40s.
22:19 olderfacebaby: they can build such rocket to travel to moon and other planets during my life though.
22:20 olderfacebaby: cause they have the needed tech to do that, this is not photonic light based, this is nuclear.
22:22 olderfacebaby: There is a scientific cartoon called Rick and Morty that is utter fun stuff, and to be honest it's somewhat SCI-FI but basing on real scientology i mean science
22:23 olderfacebaby: we are just so far in science, that yes such vehicles is that centuries deal
22:23 olderfacebaby: like in the cartoon
22:27 olderfacebaby: hence tachyon is not hypothetical particle, it is just measurements and it is achieved through nuclear efforts
22:30 olderfacebaby: we agree on some science, mendelejevs table can be totally different elements too, a modernized table could have new allotrope based elements as well as their isotopes
22:30 olderfacebaby: nuclear orbits have no limits
22:32 olderfacebaby: sweden is manufacturing the most guns with united states at the top , cause the explosive expert Alfred Nobel was swedish
22:35 olderfacebaby: during their whole existence pre death they had no finance problems, same here my dad and i are unlikely to meet monetary issues.
22:35 olderfacebaby: Alfred Nobel and his dad was very rich
22:45 olderfacebaby: so in other words, the procedures are simple, you perform a little distance logics at the hash ranges, like told, you eliminate the index and the scaffold once you feed an index to ripple the register value at a certain distance which will be poping up just like that, all the hardware is built that way
22:47 olderfacebaby: so do that you make a bank allocation scaffold cells to store a hole as a distance to the entered index, and once you enter that index , eliminate the index and the scaffold, you get to that number which you can subtract or mask off
22:48 olderfacebaby: those procedures have roots in the world of cryptography
22:49 olderfacebaby: so the transition is index to value of interest
22:50 olderfacebaby: so to speak, i am a programmer of very long career that i had , i am an utter expert on this field, its the mind i trained to myself
22:50 olderfacebaby: sure it works, but it can not be exposed to everyone
22:51 olderfacebaby: i do not want to disclose all the low-level details
22:52 olderfacebaby: i was expecting to get into being trashed also, cause of how many bullies i owned with wisdom, but they failed to kill me off anyways
22:52 olderfacebaby: cause i have superior organs they managed to hold well and live up to the attacks
22:54 olderfacebaby: of course linux and windows and the drivers are amazing
22:55 olderfacebaby: people committed all their life work into this
22:56 olderfacebaby: UTF8, ascii are not perfect, but color spaces are not compress able
22:56 olderfacebaby: cause those numbers control the buses of analog counterparts
22:57 olderfacebaby: so colors can not represented in compressed format, they get scanned out like currently
22:59 olderfacebaby: utf8 unicode and ascii can be compressed just fine, they are software tables
23:00 olderfacebaby: but color spaces are hardware ones
23:00 olderfacebaby: yuv420 and rgbaXXX
23:00 olderfacebaby: and such things, have to be presented to scan out like they are atm.
23:01 olderfacebaby: altogether we have a fascinating victory in the field of computing
23:05 olderfacebaby: such analog counter parts are display controllers, they can come with fw and be microcontrollers
23:05 olderfacebaby: but they consume the data from the internal scan out buses an lines
23:05 olderfacebaby: just verbatim as the color spaces are concerned still
23:07 olderfacebaby: so the wayland color space argumentation, there is nothing wrong with those formats, i actually do not know what causes this endless loop of argumentation
23:07 olderfacebaby: What i talked was PCI through arp header attack vulerability and hardware clock traces vulnerabilities
23:07 olderfacebaby: that is why i showed the MIPS r10000 code
23:08 olderfacebaby: to prove that multi-master systems are not safe on the io, not dma lines
23:09 olderfacebaby: once the clock less or clock abuse self-timed systems send the header collision attack it intrudes into any current systems unless patched
23:10 olderfacebaby: you must broadcast MAC window that deals with security of the bus interconnect system
23:10 olderfacebaby: CPU does nothing on PCI hardware to lock the bus, it just clocks them for multi master arbitration
23:11 olderfacebaby: it can be clock master where devices are slave and they switch
23:11 olderfacebaby: so it's multi-master system, ISA buses were not
23:11 olderfacebaby: ISA is single master system
23:18 olderfacebaby: in other words on PCI systems which is not inferior to isa, the difference is that safety serializing arbitration is pushed to software land not burnt to the hardware
23:18 olderfacebaby: pci is superior to isa when you know how to run it
23:19 olderfacebaby: it allows to squeeze more performance out of the chipsets, if you do not want the security, so it's more flexible and geared towards performance of the interconnect chipset.
23:21 olderfacebaby: hence no locking of the bus from the cpu side, all it does is when io bus is occupied it does no serialization but no mux either, the other request is sent to the high impedance or low when device is active
23:22 olderfacebaby: so if processor were to hit due to clock scew to the device request , it serves the buffer to be executed if attacked well and not defended against
23:22 olderfacebaby: this is hardware race, where intrusion becomes possible
23:23 olderfacebaby: cpu drops it's write while pci IO lines are active and NIC intrustion through arp header attack on its header and mac
23:24 olderfacebaby: is destined to be forwarded through the bypass networks
23:25 olderfacebaby: when we talk about interrupt hander, realtime kernel has windows alike, and linux mainline kernel has non-preemptive handler which is different to windows
23:25 olderfacebaby: and that since kernel 2.6.35
23:26 olderfacebaby: but todays hardware may include hardware trojans just like ME fw is under the umbrela of digital rights
23:26 olderfacebaby: enforcement
23:26 olderfacebaby: and their so to speak ultraviolet program
23:27 olderfacebaby: there are fault injection kits to scan those hardware trojans, one such is milano universities godfather algorithm
23:36 olderfacebaby: https://github.com/ucchino/caliban
23:39 olderfacebaby: anyways i go to sleep, so long with the fish.
23:44 olderfacebaby: andd btw caliban assumes 16bit dos environment since it works not in 32bit mode, cause it relies on dos interrupts
23:45 olderfacebaby: freedos is fine for that, likely pdos too
23:46 olderfacebaby: last which is 32bit dos
23:46 olderfacebaby: cheers, good night