01:02 mediaim: They use something around so called Clojure sequences actually, which seem as similar concept, what i noticed they have unicorn, tweedledum, quil, and qvm to execute some similar codes, some quantum computing paradigm https://cljdoc.org/d/quil/quil/4.0.0-SNAPSHOT-1/api/quil.helpers.seqs and full book about clojure too https://subscription.packtpub.com/book/programming/9781785889745/1/ch01lvl1sec13/thinking-in-sequences , like Fibonacci
01:02 mediaim: it's storage (lazy sequences) appears to be machine word, especially by the first links definitions. some tools consume CNF and output quil that gets compiled like this.
09:15 mediaim: Too big to be any useful and also EPL is clojure, https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/master/src/jvm/clojure/lang/PersistentHashMap.java that is where the bitmap magic happens, especially look at pack() , yeah qvm they advertise as hyper fast virtual machine, capable of simulating 36qbit machine, I'd be generally happy if i would not have to write anything, but i assume none of alike earlier mentioned yet suites the best.
15:59 mediaim: I messed up indeed, as QUIL of rigetti is common lisp, and they are not using HAMT which is available to common lisp too but, can't match in quilc searches, it's BSD3 clause module/library https://worace.works/2016/05/24/hash-array-mapped-tries/ read about it here, branching factor 32 allows to store many key/value pairs, something like 32k, rigetti has it's own hashing, but sure i can not read common lisp nor clojure well yet.
19:06 mediaim: and on the top of things i looked a wrong common lisp tree, steel bank common list is the one that is very powerful indeed, it twiddles with bitmaps back and forth and this would make sense, that the virtual machine of such kind performs quite well https://github.com/sbcl/sbcl .
19:07 mediaim: it's public domain , hmm
19:08 mediaim: qvm depends on it
23:14 mediaim: a/at list/lisp , it seems they started to beam me again..or i just worked until exhaustion , codes are pretty long , so in C, i hope to write the hack too , but tbh. common lisp code seems, pretty fun, the c backend does interesting memory allocation.
23:15 mediaim: i was working for two days straight to read some large trees and much googling , i could not really sleep well, my arm died as well as whole body, and i feel like vegetable having woken up
23:27 mediaim: this is pretty complex method, it needs a solver format to tweedledum pass, but it can offload to gpu via opencl
23:27 mediaim: so that would leave a graphics stack to be worked on still
23:43 mediaim: in the 1985-1986 there was this machine pdp-11 that was used to first time use fully programmable herac cancer treatment machine, it kind of worked most of the time, but it had a software bug, when data was swapped , it scanned it in without accounting the switched details, and gave a wrong dose of radiation, a whole lot more, that caused 6people to die months or less after receiving therapy.
23:44 mediaim: at that time they did not cover things with unit testing and such, and there were not a lot of programmers, and it turned out, the whole code was programmed in assembly by one person working in garage